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Mick's Media

Mick Logan

I have struggled to make peace throughout my artistic journey, chasing the inexplicably ever-elusive MUSE. Inspiration seems to come from everywhere in the form of “I want (or need) to try that” or “I would like to see if...” And yet, inspiration comes seemingly from nowhere other than my own experiences and surroundings. For me, art can be very personal and private. I live in the duality of exhilaration and torment as I create, often struggling throughout the process. In the end, though, it is the expression of color, as well as the juxtaposition of irony and humor, that calls me to create.

Today, I am sharing elements of this intense and personal relationship with my MUSE. These pieces, without displaying a singular style or method, are to entertain with the trinity of form, composition, and color – plus a dash of dry humor. You will find pieces, both realistic and abstract, that allow you to see the world from my particular lens. I encourage you to engage in the connection between title and subject and to examine the diversity in method and assemblage.

September 2

Ida Bell's House

October 29

Unexpected Modernism: The Wiener Brothers Story